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Logistikum Schweiz


Working Group Healthcare Supply Chain

Objectives: Our vision is to design sustainable solutions to the day-to-day challenges in material management of healthcare organisations in Switzerland.

This working group aims at unfolding the creative process of innovation to develop a research project in order to increase collaboration between healthcare supply chain stakeholders in Switzerland and to meet day-to-day, as well as future, challenges


What it is about?

To create solutions to the day-to-day challenges that healthcare organisations meet in their material management with a long-term vision to ensure its sustainability.


How often do you meet?

  • Group meetings: 6 times a year

  • Conference calls: per request

  • Ad-hoc meetings: per request


Which topics are discussed?

  • What do we want to achieve while managing the healthcare supply chain?

  • What are the points of tension in material management of healthcare organisations?

  • How can we model the current state and the desirable state?

  • How can we reframe our objectives in the bigger picture to enhance a systemic vision?

  • What does that mean to ensure sustainability in healthcare supply chain?

  • How can collaboration help in meeting our objectives?

  • How can we use new technologies?


Participation fee: Free for VNL members


Working group lead

Claire Thai
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