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AdVentura Works SA

Kontaktdaten  Ansprechpartner
AdVentura Works SA Alexander Manolov
Rue des Charpentiers 22 Founder & CEO
1110 Morge
Tel: +41 76 216 86 36 Tel: +41 76 216 86 36  
Anzahl Mitarbeiter  
Angebot im Bereich Logistik  

AdVentura Works helps supply chain, logistics and transportation companies improve the efficiency and safety of their warehouse operations by providing technology for remote driving of forklifts. Our state-of-the-art teleoperation kit can be retrofitted to existing forklifts, enabling our clients to manage the material movements in all their warehouses from one or more control centers.

We provide an end-to-end material-handling solution, including recruitment, training, certification, and management of remote operators as well the technical staff needed to improve flexibility, operational resilience, and material-handling throughput.

Grund für Mitgliedschaft im VNL  
As an innovative tech company, AdVentura Works is always looking for partners to develop further our technology and use our expertise in digitalisation and human-robot collaboration to tackle the challenges the Supply Chain industry is facing today – raising costs, employee shortages, network disruptions etc.